Friday, March 19, 2010


How to Choose

Having permission from the Grown-up-in-Authority
you will be confronted with the very difficult task
of deciding what kind you are
As I tell you about temperaments and character
will you settle, or let your father and mother settle for you,
or one that has some pretentions to pedigree and good looks.
do your best to persuade the powers in authority
decide emphatically on the side of Why?
cleverer and more amusing,
I am prepared to agree that this is the case.
There is no reason in the world
equal in every way, there can be no two opinions
OR Let me give you a warning, merely one

Thursday, March 4, 2010


the only remedy

you need considerable care and attention,
and unless you are prepared to spare a good deal of time,
it is not only unfair, but cruel to keep STRANGE COMPANY

Monday, March 1, 2010


more necessary than reason is to easily lie
For nothing will cure a cold character
such contrivance as this is useful
because their ailments are usually very infectious